Club Rules



  1. The Club shall be called “Styal Tennis Club”.
  2. The subscription for members shall be decided at each Annual General Meeting and shall be displayed in the pavilion.Subscriptions must be paid in advance.
  3. Junior members must be under 17 years of age on 31st March in the current subscription year.
  4. No Junior member under the age of 14 is to play unsupervised without an adult present.
  5. Student members must be 21 years of age on 31st March in the current subscription year.Eligibility for this class of membership shall be at the discretion of the Membership Secretary.
  6. When both parents are members of the Club then the subscription for each family Junior Member will be reduced as decided at the AGM.
  7. The financial year of the Club shall commence on the 1st September in each year.
  8. The accounts of the Club shall be audited annually and presented at the AGM.
  9. The AGM shall be held in September or October of each year.
  10. At the AGM the following shall be elected:


Committee members

The Committee shall consist of the President, Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Match Secretary, Membership Secretary and four Committee Members.  The Chairman at any meeting shall have a casting vote. Following election at the AGM the Committee Positions may be distributed at the first Committee Meeting following the AGM.

  1. All applications for membership shall be made to the Membership Secretary.
  2. The Committee may refuse any application for membership without liable to specify the refusal.
  3. The Membership Secretary shall keep a list of members and a copy shall be posted in the Pavilion.
  4. Any member wishing to resign shall send the Membership Secretary a letter of resignation. if such letter if not received by the Membership Secretary before the 1st April in any year, the member will be liable to pay his or her subscription for that year.
  5. If a member fails to pay his or her subscription by the end of August, the Committee may terminate his or her membership without notice.If a members subscription is outstanding at the 31st May, he or she will not be allowed to use the courts until it is paid.
  6. The Committee shall be responsible for running the Club and for arranging matches and social functions and shall have power to appoint sub-committees. The Committee shall operate an open door policy and accept membership applications from players of all standards. To ensure members’ enjoyment at club sessions, tournaments and any other mixed social occasions, players of a standard below the club average may be asked to refrain from playing on these occasions, at the discretion of any Committee member. Members thus affected may of course use the club facilities at any other time.
  7. An officer or committee member who wishes to resign from his or her office shall send the Secretary a letter of resignation and he or she shall be deemed to remain in office until such letter has been received by the Secretary.
  8. Any casual vacancies in the Committee may be filled by members being co-opted onto the Committee, but the Committee shall not be increased beyond ten members.
  9. All Members and guests shall play in suitable attire (preferably white) on all occasions and must wear tennis shoes when on the courts.
  10. A member’s friend may play and will be charged for each day during which they use the courts.The member shall be responsible to account to the Treasurer for these fees.  A member may not introduce any one visitor on more than 3 occasions in any one season.  The charge will be posted in the pavilion.
  11. Temporary membership can be allowed, at the discretion of Membership Secretary, such visitors may use the Club facilities for a total period not exceeding six weeks during any year.The Membership Secretary will decide the charges.
  12. The Secretary may call a General Meeting of members at any time at his discretion and must call a General Meeting when requested to do so by ten or more members.
  13. Since the Club is affiliated to the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA), each member agrees to be bound by and be subject to the Rules and Disciplinary Code of the LTA. The LTA Rules and Disciplinary Code may be found at this web address: They are primarily concerned with Tennis Anti Doping, Child Protection Procedures, Regulations concerning match fixing, financial speculation and betting, the LTA Coach Licencing Scheme and LTA Coach Registration Scheme.
  14. In the interest of safety, children aged 15 years and under may only use the courts and club house if they are supervised by a parent, adult carer or if two or more adults are present at the club.
  15. Additions or alterations to these rules may only be made by a two-thirds majority decision of members present at a General Meeting, of which at least fourteen days’ notice has been given.If, at a General Meeting, it is proposed to make an addition of alteration to the rules, notice of the exact addition or alteration need not be given in the notice convening the meeting, but such notice must state that additions or alterations to the rules are on the agenda.


  • Contact Us

    Styal Tennis Club,
    Altrincham Rd,
    SK9 4JE

    Phone: 01625 418667